“Getting closer to a large-scale process:
Photocatalysts for light-assisted CO2 hydrogenation”

Dr. Hermenegildo Garcia
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, UPV (Spain)


Prof. Garcia leads a multidisciplinary group at ITQ oriented in the photochemistry field and heterogeneous catalysis where it has been synthetized and tested materials as mesoporous periodic organosilicates, carbon nanotubes, diamond nanoparticles, metal organic frameworks and more recently graphenic materials, among others.

In the last years, the group have been oriented his research on renewable energy and green chemistry.

Besides, it is an experienced group with a huge knowledge on synthesis and processing of materials, determination of their composition, structure and properties, where is clearly demonstrated regarding the number of publications (> 700) and citations (40273, 24313 in the last 5 years), obtaining a h-index of 110.

As a result, several papers have been published in prestigious international journals such as Science, Chemical Review, Chemical society Review, Journal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition and Nature Communications, among others, with high impact factor (>10).

Prof Hermenegildo Garcia has received several national and international scientific awards, between them, it must be highlighted the Jaume I to New Technologies award in 2016.

Prof. Garcia has been a Highly Cited Researcher according to the Shanghai ranking since they starting to issue a yearly ranking in 2015.


“Structured catalysts and reactors for the
hydrogenation of CO2

Prof. Dr. Jorge Gascon
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology – KAUST
(Saudi Arabia)

Born in Huesca (Spain) in 1977, Jorge received his MSc. in Chemistry in 2002 and his PhD cum laude in Chemical Engineering in 2006, both at the University of Zaragoza (Spain).
He was post-doc (2006 to 2009), Assistant Professor (2010 to 2012), Associate Professor (2012 to 2014) and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor (2014 – 2017) of Catalysis Engineering at TUDelft (NL).
Since 2017 he is Professor and Director at the KAUST Catalysis Center.
Gascon is a member of the board of the International Zeolite Association Commission on Metal Organic Frameworks.
He has been the recipient of the prestigious VENI (2010), VIDI (2013) and ERC Starting (2013) personal grants and of the 2013 ExxonMobil Chemical European Science and Engineering Award.
He is a highly cited researcher according to Clarivate Analytics.


“Operando studies of catalysts for methane activation”

Dr. Andrew Beale
Department of Chemistry, University College
London & Research Complex at Harwell (UK)

Andy Beale is currently Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at UCL and Group Leader at the research complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Chief Scientific Officer of Finden Ltd (incorporated in 2012).
He is also a Co-I and principal academic responsible for the Harwell activities of the EPSRC sponsored UK Catalysis Hub.
Current research interests concern the study of functional materials used as catalysts and in energy storage with novel chemical imaging techniques using X-ray scattering and/or spectroscopic methods, often studied under dynamic (or operando) conditions; this was recently exemplified by a publication first, on the subject of 5D X-ray diffraction imaging of a working catalytic reactor.

Andy was awarded a BSc from the University of Sussex followed by a PhD at the Royal Institution of Great Britain on the subject of in situ X-ray crystallisation studies of mixed oxide materials.
He then worked as a Postdoctoral fellow, VENI research fellow and Assistant Professor in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Andy then returned to the UK and to UCL in 2013 as an EPSRC Early career fellow.
He was promoted to Professor in 2014.


“Controlling rates and reversibility of CH4
dehydroaromatization on MoCx/H-ZSM-5 catalysts”

Prof. Dr. Aditya Bhan
Dept. Chem Eng & Mater Sci /University of Minnesota (USA)

Aditya Bhan received his Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in Chemical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 2000 and his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University in 2005.
From January 2005 to August 2007, he was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California at Berkeley and since then he has been on the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science faculty at the University of Minnesota where he currently serves as the Shell Chair Professor in Chemical Engineering.
He leads a research group that focuses on mechanistic characterization of catalysts useful in energy conversion and petrochemical synthesis.
In the recent past, his group at the University of Minnesota has been recognized with the Young Researcher Award from the Acid-Base Catalysis Society and the Ipatieff Prize from the American Chemical Society.
He serves as Editor for Journal of Catalysis and as Chair of the ACS Catalysis Science & Technology Division.


“The activation of oxygen by Au and Pd
nanoparticles for methane oxidation”

Prof. Dr. David Willock
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, University of Cardiff (UK)


David Willock has completed his PhD from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK and postdoctoral studies from University College London and Liverpool University.
He heads up a computational chemistry group within the Cardiff Catalysis Institute at the University of Cardiff, UK, running projects with a strong integration of experimental and theoretical approaches.
He has published more than 140 papers in reputed journals and given lectures and summer school lectures on catalysis and simulation in the UK and beyond.



“New Metal-Organic Architectures for Mild
Oxidative Functionalization of Alkanes”

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Kirillov
University of Lisbon (Portugal)


Alexander Kirillov, is a Professor of Chemistry at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon (IST/ULisbon), Portugal.
After graduating in Chemical Engineering (2001), he started (2002) a doctoral program and completed a PhD in Chemistry (2006) from the Technical University of Lisbon (TULisbon, IST), where he also was a post-doctoral fellow (2007) and senior researcher (2008-2011, 'Science 2007' PT Govt. program).
He has been an invited/visiting professor & researcher at universities in Brazil, Russia, China and France, and is involved in various international research projects.